mi kewl website 2! super mario bros is teh second kewlist game in mi opinun here is why here is a run of 1-1 i did (warpless)

1 glitchz

the most populore glitch is prob the flag pole glitch or fpg for short i speedrun smb1 and if u go 2 mi channle u can see some runs anyway here is why mario is kewl

super mario bros was a unbeliveble well made game for one it was only 32 kilobytes! if yu dont know how insane that is remeber that image of a duck on the firs page of this website? it is 972 kilobytes! despite mario bros 1 oly being 32 KB it has maneged to fit 32 levels in it 16 enimiez 5 items and 3 power ups! all in 32 KB and then there is 3 warp zones

if you want to learn more about smb1 cick here smb wiki

as teh kewlist most smartist awsome person ever and scince my opinun is teh only correct one i say that smb1 is teh second best mario ever

mario bros one is a very broken game (like most nes games) there is fast exel wall jumps and clips fpg bbg glitch levels double jumping super jumping and more stuf i amz missing

even though smb1 was realsed 38 years ago the community around it is very active and is always welcoming to new people starting to run the game as the kewlist gaymer ever i can say that this game and community is a great one to join speedrunnning it if you are just looking for somthing to do or want to try iut the game or even want to try exerziseing ur abilty to go and see how fast you can go and how fast you can learn and consestinly preform glitchs i strongly suggest to start at this game i would say out of the millions of communitys for games that are out there this one is the most welcoming and kind to new people! so please if you have an old nes (or emulator) please pick it up and try out the game somthing i enjoy not just about smb1 but about most if not all nes games is how broken they are for one and for 2 the art smb1 super mario bros 1 has a very interisting art style (i dont mnean interisting because of its limitiations) i mean its style is very kewl gaymer if you dont really like its look i dont blame you its not my favriot looking mario game either *cough* mario world *cough* but it is still a really neat style it uses its limited space to make really good art

thx 4 visiting mi website!